Miriah Stieglitz

  1. Miriah grew up on the East Coast, in Jacksonville, Florida. All her life, she was very interested in contorting the body in different ways through gymnastics and cheerleading. As Miriah entered her college years, she found her passion for yoga. Upon completing college-level yoga classes, she began weekly yoga lessons for her teammates. This tumbled into more and more doors opening, with yoga becoming a priority. 

    In her late twenties, Miriah moved to Colorado. Here, she continued her love of yoga by joining Core Power. She enjoyed the rigorous, heated version of yoga, and realized how much strength she could develop from these intense classes. Fast-forward a few years, in the midst of COVID, Miriah left Colorado to travel the southwest. Making her way through Baja with her husband and three dogs, they stopped for a three week stint near Todos Santos. Here, Miriah fully committed and completed her 200 hour yoga certification with Yandara. This was a life-changing experience and made Miriah realize that teaching yoga had truly developed into a passion after all these years. 

    Now, Miriah resides in Salida, teaching elementary students full-time, and yoga part-time. Forever grateful for this place and these experiences, Miriah cannot wait to see you in class!