Justin Critelli

 Justin Critelli, LMT, has been practicing Massage Therapy for 12 years. Justin specializes in a wide array of modalities from Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) to Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening (AIS). His practice primarily focuses on muscle fiber rehabilitation and fascial release techniques to help increase mobility and circulation. Critelli's services are primarily in line with modalities utilized in clinical settings from supplemental palliative care in rehabilitation departments or in adjunct with post-op, infusion or oncology. Justin is also well versed in the arts of Reflexology and Eastern Medicine from accu-point to elemental theory. Justin can provide Swedish, Deep Tissue or Integrated Massage for any session.

30 min - $68

60 min - $95

90 min - $135

Contact Justin to schedule your session today!

 Cell - (914) 466-9779

Email - Justin.M.F.Critelli@gmail.com